Список литературы - лучевая терапия в лечении рака
Видео: Лечение
Видео: Нарративная терапия лечения рака
Список литературы
Dukes, С.Е. (1932) The classification of cancer of the rectum. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 35, 322—32.
Hall, E.J. (1994) Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 4th edn, J.B.Lippincott, Philadelphia.
ICRU (1993) Prescribing, recording and reporting photon beam therapy. ICRU Report No. 50, International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Russell, W.O., Chen, J., Enzinger, F. et al. (1977) A clinical and pathological staging system for soft tissue sarcomas. Cancer, 40, 1562-70.
World Health Organization (1995) National Cancer Control Programmes: Priorities and Managerial Guidelines, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Zulch, K.J. (1979) Histological typing of tumours of the central nervous system. International Histological Classification of Tumours, No. 21, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Список рекомендуемой литературы
Miller, А.В. (1991) Cancer Screening, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Schottenfeld, D. and Fraumeni, J. (1982) Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
International Union against Cancer (1993) Manual of Clinical Oncology, 7th edn.
World Health Organization (1980) Optimization of Radiotherapy. WHO Tech. Rep. Ser. 644.
World Health Organization (1983) Smoking Control Strategies in Developing Countries. WHO Tech. Rep. Ser. 695.
World Health Organization (1985) Essential drugs for cancer chemotherapy. Bulletin of the WHO, 63(6), 999—1002.
World Health Organization (1986) Cancer Pain Relief World Health Organization, Geneva.
Обезболивание при раке и паллиативное лечение. Доклад Комитета экспертов ВОЗ. Серия технических докладов ВОЗ, N9 804. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 1992.
World Health Organization (1992) Cervical Cancer Screenings Programmes: Management Guidelines, World Health Organization, Geneva.